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Commiphora molmol


Antiseptic, antimicrobial and astringent. Can be used to heal both internal and external infected wounds, especially of the mouth, and to loosen congestion in respiratory conditions. It is cooling, healing and soothing. It can also provide anti-bacterial, anti-viral, bitter, anti-inflammatory, stimulating, emmenagogue, expectorant, carminative, diaphoretic and deodorant qualities. Beneficial for candida / thrush, boils, abscesses, fungal infections and raised cholesterol levels.

Calming Myrrh can evoke a sense of peace and is believed to have anti-aging benefits.

Gargle to help ease infections in the mouth or gums.

Combines well with Frankincense and can be used to help promote healthy lung capacity.

Externally for all skin types, myrrh has rejuvenating qualities,

it smooths the complexion when used as a toning lotion or

as an after shave tonic for it's cooling effect.

A harmonising treatment which could be used in the bath

to reduce overthinking and create a sense of serenity. 

dose - half STANDARD internally. short term use internally.

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